Welcome to the LoadFocus Documentation

What is LoadFocus?

LoadFocus is a cloud testing platform which offers the following cloud services:

Why LoadFocus?

Testing your websites, APIs, or mobile applications can be hard, time-consuming, and often does not provide the necessary insights for product, development, and DevOps teams. LoadFocus was created to enable users to get started in just a few minutes with a modern, mature, standalone platform that requires no coding skills and can help complete any testing tasks you may need.


Using LoadFocus is easy and requires no coding skills. It takes just a few minutes to use as a standalone tool or to integrate into your CI/CD workflow:

  • It helps to identify and fix performance issues before they go live and affect customers and business.
  • It increases confidence when releasing new features and versions of your websites, applications, or APIs.
  • It provides early feedback and easy debugging with modern charts and performance insights.

Use Cases

LoadFocus is an easy-to-use and understand cloud testing tool that can be used by anyone. However, some of our typical users are Software Developers, SDETs, QA Engineers, Automated and Manual Testers, DevOps, and Business and Product owners.

Some of the most common use cases for LoadFocus are:

  • Load testing your website to understand how it behaves when 100 concurrent virtual users enter your website every second for a sustained period. During the load test, you monitor performance metrics like response time, latency, hits/second, errors, and error codes. You can then increase the number of concurrent virtual users to 1000, 5000, 10000, monitor the same metrics, and inspect how your website responds. You can also change the cloud location of the load engine injector (test agent) to understand user experience from different locations. Load Testing
  • Sending an email campaign to a large audience. Before sending the campaign, you want to ensure that your website can handle the load and that your customers will have a good UI experience while navigating your website. Load Testing
  • Performance testing your APIs to find bottlenecks in your system, infrastructure, database, hardware, etc. Load Testing
  • Using Apache JMeter test scripts for the scenarios above. You can upload your script, select the locations of your virtual users, and load test in real-time while inspecting results. JMeter Load Testing
  • Monitoring how your website landing page and other web pages load for your users in terms of loading time, rendering, SEO, best practices, accessibility, etc., every hour. Website Performance Monitoring
  • Automating manual functional UI tests based on predefined scenarios and running tests from the cloud without coding anything. Website UI Testing
  • Understanding how your website renders on multiple mobile devices at different resolutions. Mobile Emulation Testing
  • Easily spotting visual differences between two web pages. This can be done between the same page of your website in different environments, such as staging vs. production, to find visual issues before releasing new features to real customers. Visual Regression Testing
  • Monitoring the performance of your APIs to ensure they are running smoothly and responding quickly, helping you identify any issues before they impact your users. API Monitoring