
API Check Activate/Deactivate

What does Activate/Deactivate mean?

The Activate/Deactivate toggle allows you to control whether an API Check is running according to its schedule. This feature is useful for temporarily suspending checks without deleting their configurations, which can be helpful during maintenance windows or when investigating issues.

How to Activate an API Check

  1. Locate the API Check: Find the API Check you want to activate from the list of API Checks.
  2. Toggle to Activate: Click the toggle switch to change the status from DEACTIVATED to ACTIVATED.
  3. Save Changes: Ensure you save any changes if required.

When an API Check is activated, it will run based on the configured schedule. For example, if it's set to run every 5 minutes, it will start running at those intervals once activated.

Activate API Check

How to Deactivate an API Check

  1. Locate the API Check: Find the API Check you want to deactivate from the list of API Checks.
  2. Toggle to Deactivate: Click the toggle switch to change the status from ACTIVATED to DEACTIVATED.
  3. Save Changes: Ensure you save any changes if required.

When an API Check is deactivated:

  • The check will not run based on the configured schedule.
  • No monitoring or alerts will be generated for this check.
  • The check will appear greyed out in the list of API Checks, indicating its inactive status.

Practical Uses of Deactivation

  • Maintenance Windows: Temporarily deactivate checks during scheduled maintenance to prevent false alerts.
  • Investigation Periods: Deactivate checks when investigating a persistent issue to avoid unnecessary alerts while diagnosing the problem.
  • Resource Management: Deactivate certain checks to manage system load and resource usage more effectively.

Visual Indicators

In the list of API Checks:

  • Activated Checks: Displayed normally with their current status and last run results.
  • Deactivated Checks: Displayed greyed out to differentiate from active checks.

Deactivate API Check

By using the Activate/Deactivate feature, you have greater control over your monitoring setup, ensuring that API Checks run only when necessary and do not generate unnecessary alerts during periods when they are not needed.