Friendly Check Name

API Check Friendly Check Name

What is a Friendly Check Name?

A friendly check name is a human-readable identifier for your API check. It helps you quickly understand the purpose and context of the check without needing to remember or look up technical details. The name is used in alerts and reports, making it easier to manage and reference your checks.

Automatically Generated Names

We automatically generate a friendly check name for your API check using the current date and time. The name will autocomplete from the URL to give you a quick context of the endpoint being tested. However, you can edit it manually to set a more descriptive and meaningful name.

How to Change the Friendly Check Name

You can change the friendly check name for your API check by going to the Friendly Check Name input field and setting your own name. This customized name will then be used in alerts and reports.

API Check Name

Best Practices for Naming API Checks

  1. Descriptive and Clear: Use clear and descriptive names that provide enough context about what the check is testing. Avoid overly technical names that might be confusing.
  • Example: User Login Endpoint - San Francisco
  1. Include Endpoint and Location: If you are testing the same endpoint from multiple locations, include the location in the name to differentiate them.
  • Example: Product Search API - US East
  1. Use Consistent Naming Conventions: Establish and follow a consistent naming convention to make it easier to search and filter your checks.
  • Example: ServiceName - Endpoint - Location
  • Example: Inventory Service - Add Item - EU Central
  1. Indicate Purpose or Scenario: If the check is for a specific purpose or scenario, include that in the name.
  • Example: Payment API - Load Test - High Volume
  1. Short and Sweet: Keep the name concise but informative. Avoid overly long names that can be truncated or hard to read quickly.
  • Example: Checkout API - Latency Check

Examples of Friendly Check Names

  • User Authentication API - London
  • Order Processing - Peak Hours - Asia
  • Search Service - Keyword Search - US West
  • User Profile Update - Response Time
  • Cart API - Add Item - Canada
  • Notification Service - Delivery Status - Australia

Benefits of Using Friendly Check Names

  • Improved Manageability: Easily identify and manage your API checks.
  • Better Alerts: Receive alerts with meaningful names, making it easier to understand the context of the issue.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Team members can quickly understand the purpose of each check, facilitating better collaboration and communication.

By following these best practices and using descriptive, clear, and consistent friendly check names, you can significantly improve the manageability and effectiveness of your API checks.