What is a Test Run Id?

Test Run ID Explained

A Test Run ID is a unique identifier assigned to each execution of a test. Even if the test configuration remains the same, every time the test is run, a new Test Run ID is generated to differentiate between each execution instance. This allows testers, developers, and other stakeholders to track, reference, and compare results across multiple runs of the same test.

Purpose of a Test Run ID:

  • Traceability: Easily trace back results and performance metrics to a specific test run.
  • Comparison: Helps in comparing results between different test runs to identify patterns, anomalies, or improvements.
  • Report Generation: Enables the generation of specific reports for individual test runs.

Incremental Nature:

  • When a particular test configuration is run for the first time, it is assigned a Test Run ID of "1".
  • With every subsequent execution of the same test, even if no parameters change, the Test Run ID will increment by one. So, the second run will have an ID of "2", the third will be "3", and so on. This ensures each test run, regardless of how similar it is to another, is distinctly identifiable.

Importance in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

  • In CI/CD environments where tests might be triggered automatically upon code pushes or at regular intervals, having distinct Test Run IDs is crucial. It aids in identifying which particular execution may have introduced a bug or degraded performance.

Historical Data & Trend Analysis:

  • By referencing Test Run IDs, teams can track performance or other metrics over time. This is particularly useful to assess the system's behavior across different versions or after specific updates.

In essence, a Test Run ID acts as a fingerprint for each execution of a test, ensuring that results from each run can be separately analyzed, reported, and archived, even if the underlying test configuration remains consistent.