Make Your Website Fast

Page Speed Monitoring

Continuously check your page speed for improving performance and user experience. Page Speed Monitoring Monitor Insights. Web Vitals. Lighthouse.

Monitor Your Website Performance and Speed

Discover Website Performance Improvements

Receive page speed metrics and performance improvements instantly using the visual tool powered by Google Lighthouse.
We keep all your results history to better compare between different runs and understand your speed performance.

Run tests from multiple locations around the world for a better and more realistic results.

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Speed Recommendations & Compare with Competitors

Monitor web page performance, inspect performance metrics, and discover best practices.
Understand better your website performance with rendering screenshots and in-depth performance analysis.

Understand performance rendering metrics for your device using bandwidth and CPU simulation.
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Page Speed Monitoring
Page Speed Monitoring

Schedule automated web page performance tests for your sites

Encounter real conditions your customers experience while they browse your sites.
Continuous website speed and performance audits, regression testing and reporting with comparison between test runs and best practice guidelines.
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No coding & no configuration required

Speed insights on metrics that actually matter, like: PWA metrics, First Meaningful Paint, Time to Interactive, Speed Index, Visual Complete.

First Meaningful Paint - the time required to begin rendering content within the browser.
Time to Interactive – a measure of the point at which a page has loaded enough for a user to interact with it.
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Page Speed Monitoring

Chrome Extension: Page Speed monitoring

Website Speed and Performance Monitoring extension for webpage speed, best practices, SEO & accessibility.

Monitor the speed of your web pages to deliver the best experiences to your customers. Get notifications and alerts for website performance issues.
LoadFocus Page Speed Monitoring is powered by Lighthouse and focuses on modern user experience and performance metrics to help you deliver the best experience to your customers.
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Page Speed Monitoring

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