LoadFocus for Web Developers and QA

Testing Tools in the Cloud
For Devs and QA.

Testing Tools in the Cloud - Build Tests with a Modern Dev and QA Experience.

Build websites and applications that can handle a lot of traffic. Use a cloud load testing platform to save time, have all tests in one place, better results comparison, PDF reports.

Why Developers Use LoadFocus

Store results in the cloud

Save time by using a cloud load testing platform which stores results for all your tests, offers modern charts and dashboards, exports PDF reports and is available in multiple worldwide locations.

Focus on test design and understanding results instead of building your own infrastructure.
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Ease of Use

Easily create complex test scenarios.
Add multiple type of requests, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and inspect results for each type of request, either for website or API testing.

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Page Speed Monitoring
Page Speed Monitoring

Accuracy & Scalability

Easily increase the number of virtual concurrent users using a modern UI.
Make use of modern performance metrics, response times, percentiles, latency, hits per second etc.
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Propose Page Speed Enhancement Solutions

Handle a large variety of obstacles.

Dev and QA teams can store, develop, execute and reuse load tests to benefit from the analysis of load .
Take advantage of a full range of options to create valid load tests that cover multiple failure points.
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Page Speed Monitoring

You deserve better testing services

Effortlessly load test websites, measure page speed, and monitor APIs with a single, cost-effective and user-friendly solution.Start for free
jmeter cloud load testing tool

We'll help you get started

Browse use cases, getting started videos, tutorials, and our showcase to find what you need to succeed with LoadFocus — and as a business.


Browse our documentation covering everything from use cases to getting started guided and videos.


Tools to make your testing development and overall experience much better.

Learn more. Read on our blog.
