Mobile Emulation for Websites from the Cloud

Use Mobile Emulation to build responsive and mobile-first websites. Discover rendering issues before your users do.

Cloud Testing Platform

Learn how to use it to simulate a wide range of devices and their screen sizes.

Mobile Emulation brings the insights of mobile testing to your browser tab. Emulate your site across different screen sizes and resolutions.

Start Website Testing in Just 3 Steps

1. Configure New Mobile Emulation

Simply add the URL of Your Website and select devices.

Set the Schedule the tests to run on a regular basis.
Emulate your site across different screen sizes and resolutions.

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2. Discover potential rendering issues

Inspect how your mobile website renders on all emulated devices

Click to view the whole image and improve the UI for your customers
Responsive mobile-friendly websites are getting all more important

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3. Run Mobile Emulations Continuously

Run Mobile Emulations & Find Rendering Issues

Set the mobile emulation to run every day and you’ll check daily the look and feel of your website across a wide variety of devices.

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