Difference between Load Testing and Stress Testing

Differences Load Testing and Stress Testing
Software Testing

Stress tests help you understand the upper limits of a system's capacity.

How is your system going to behave under extreme load?

Examples of Stress Testing

Stress Testing Overview

Stress Testing is performed to test the robustness and stability of the website or software application under intense load.

In stress testing, the performance is tested under varying data amounts. Stress testing is performed to find the behavior of the system under high pressure.

Run tests from multiple locations.

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What is Stress testing?

What is Stress testing?

Stress testing is a subset of performance testing done to check out how the system behaves under extreme loads and how it recovers from failure.

In stress testing load limit is above the threshold of a break.
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Why Stress Testing?

Stress testing is done in order to check whether any unexpected failures does not harm the website security or integrity.

You can stress test your websites or APIs using LoadFocus by using the maximum duration and number of virtual concurrent users for the Business plan.
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