Baseline Comparison

Baseline Comparison for Load Tests
Easily Set Baselines

Baseline comparison allows to easily find differences in performance results for every test run.

Easily compare test runs using baseline comparison.

Set a Baseline For Comparison

Choose Baseline

First step is to set a test run as baseline. All other test runs of the same test will be compared with the chosen baseline test.

In order to set a test run as a baseline, open the results of the test chosen as baseline, and click the Set Baseline button. Check that the current test run is successfully set by checking the comparison percentages and the text under the test name.

Run tests from multiple locations.

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Comparing Test Runs using Baseline

Comparing Test Runs using Baseline

Navigate to the test run id and the comparison will automatically get displayed and choose the test run by clicking on the id of the test from the dropdown next to the test name.

Changing the baseline is done simply clicking the Set Baseline button on a test run that is not currently a baseline. When you change the baseline, the current visible test becomes the baseline.
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Removing the baseline

Go to the test run which is set as baseline, and click on the green check indicating that the current test run is set as baseline.

After removing the baseline, the test has no baseline set, and the comparison will no longer be displayed for any of the test runs.
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