Smoke Testing is a Regular Load Test

Smoke Testing in Load Testing
Regular Load Test

Smoke Testing checks that the critical functionalities are working fine.

Smoke testing verifies the stability of your website.

Smoke Testing a Website

Start small

Smoke testing is done with minimal website load and verifies that the website or API is not throwing any errors under minimal load.

Once the smoke tests returns no error, then a load tests to check the performance of the system can be executed.

Run tests from multiple locations.

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Smoke Testing Verifies Stability

Smoke Testing Verifies Stability

Smoke Testing goal is to verify the build/website/API passes all important checks making it ready for the next levels of testing.

Smoke testing can be executed manually of automated on the test requirements..
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When Should We Perform Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is done whenever new functionalities/features are created and developers need a certain level of confidence that the current build passes the main checks.

Any failure raised at the smoke testing level should be fixed as soon as possible as it may be a critical bug or an issue that may affect also other teams and it may affect the stability of the current features.
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