How to create Multilingual Reports for Performance Tests

Apache JMeter Load Testing Performance Testing Stress Testing Test Automation.

How to create Multilingual Reports for Performance Tests

2 minutes read With our newly released White Labelled Reports for performance tests, you can now print the PDF reports in multiple languages. This applies to our load testing cloud tool and also for load tests using JMeter test scripts. Displaying Multilingual Reports The reports are accessible from the list of results pages: load test results page or… Read more »

Which language is used in JMeter?

Apache JMeter.

Which language is used in JMeter?

< 1 minute read Apache JMeter is a Java open source tool. If you want to run load or performance tests using Apache JMeter, you can use their Graphic User Interface (GUI) and you don’t need to know any programming language, follow the JMeter documentation and you are ready to go to design your API testing scenarios. Depends a… Read more »