How to Improve your WordPress Performance Score

Test Automation Web Vitals.

How to Improve your WordPress Performance Score

3 minutes read We managed to get a 99/100 Performance Score with Google Lighthouse, check the details below how we did it. Read more on how to run a Google Lighthouse audit. First of all, you’ll need to install a list of WordPress plugins, activate and configure them. WordPress Plugins for Optimization: Autoptimize This will manage your JS,… Read more »

How to Build, Schedule and Execute Performance Tests Before Black Friday and Cyber Week

Automated Website Testing & Monitoring Cloud Services Load Testing Performance Testing Stress Testing Test Automation.

How to Build, Schedule and Execute Performance Tests Before Black Friday and Cyber Week

8 minutes read Well into the pandemic and with the E-commerce boom rapidly accelerating due to people needing to stay inside, you’ll need to make sure that your website and mobile applications are performing well under high load for the holiday shopping season and especially for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale events. We have written a handbook,… Read more »