What is WebdriverIO? Unlock the Secrets of Automated Testing

UI Testing.

What is WebdriverIO? Unlock the Secrets of Automated Testing

5 minutes read Hey there! Ever wondered how the digital world consistently delivers sleek, bug-free websites and apps at the speed of light? Well, it’s not all caffeine-fueled coding marathons. A big hero behind the scenes is automated testing, and one of the champions in this arena is WebdriverIO. Let’s dive into this game-changer and see how it’s… Read more »

How to Visually Compare Staging vs. Production Websites Automatically

Mobile Testing Test Automation UI Testing.

2 minutes read With LoadFocus you can visually compare your staging website with your production website automatically, following these steps below: Steps to dynamically compare Staging vs. Production websites: Enter https://loadfocus.com/visual-regression-testing Enter your Staging Website (i.e. https://loadfocus-staging.com) Enter your Production or Live Website (i.e. https://loadfocus.com) Click Discover button and choose the number of URLs to automatically get discovered from your… Read more »