What is CPU Utilization in Performance Testing?

Test Automation.

What is CPU Utilization in Performance Testing?

< 1 minute read CPU or Central Processing Unit is the brain of any computer and its main responsibility is processing all the tasks required by the running applications. CPU Utilization is a key metric in performance testing which measures the percentage of time the CPU spends executing a task. One of the most crucial tasks to do when… Read more »

How to Measure the Right Key Metrics During Performance Testing

Load Testing Performance Testing Test Automation.

How to Measure the Right Key Metrics During Performance Testing

6 minutes read During crucial performance testing session we need to monitor and measure various parameters/metrics to be able to analyze and understand why the application behaves in a certain way under a specific load. Below ones are the most used metrics collected during performance testing sessions. Vital performance metrics: Processor Usage – an amount of time processor spends… Read more »

How to Test OAuth Secured APIs and Apps using JMeter

Apache JMeter API Load Testing Load Testing Performance Testing RESTful APIs Secured APIs Test Automation.

How to Test OAuth Secured APIs and Apps using JMeter

4 minutes read Introduction Hey there! If you’re working with APIs, especially those locked down with OAuth 2.0, you probably know how crucial it is to ensure they perform well under pressure. Imagine thousands of users hitting your API simultaneously – you want everything running smoothly, right? Well, that’s where load testing comes in, and today we’re diving… Read more »