Load Testing Jenkins Plugin from LoadFocus.com

Integrations Load Testing Performance Testing Test Automation.

< 1 minute readWe’ve released our load testing plugin for Jenkins CI. Use the Post build actions and define your load test limits in order to mark the build UNSTABlE or FAILED Easy multiple accounts access via the credential Jenkins plugin. More details here: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/LoadFocus+Load+Testing+Plugin Installation Steps: 1. Create your load testing account on https://loadfocus.com 2. Copy your… Read more »

What is HTTP POST Request?

Apache JMeter Load Testing Test Automation Uncategorized.

< 1 minute readHTTP POST request is used for sending data to a server. You can use POST requests for upload a file or submitting a web form, make sure that the receiving application agrees on the format. Additional headers are sent with the POST request: Content-Type: header which is usually application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the Content-Length: header gives the… Read more »

What is a HTTP GET Request?

Page Load Time Test Automation Web Resources.

< 1 minute readThe HTTP “GET” method is used just for retrieving data and should have no other effect. When you enter a URI in the browser or you click on a link you are executing a GET request. Here are some characteristics of GET requests: can be cached, bookmarked, appear in browser history. You can easily find details… Read more »