Run Apache JMeter on Mac

Apache JMeter.

< 1 minute readInstall JMeter on Mac, to do so you have multiple options: 1. brew install jmeter 2. Download Apache JMeter from: download the source code and build it yourself download the binaries In your Finder, uncompress, and go to the directory called ‘bin‘.– Open ApacheJMeter.jar– from Terminal, use the following command: With JMeter Cloud… Read more »

What is HTTP POST Request?

Apache JMeter Load Testing Test Automation Uncategorized.

< 1 minute readHTTP POST request is used for sending data to a server. You can use POST requests for upload a file or submitting a web form, make sure that the receiving application agrees on the format. Additional headers are sent with the POST request: Content-Type: header which is usually application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the Content-Length: header gives the… Read more »

What is the max number of concurrent users a JMeter can handle?

Apache JMeter Load Testing Performance Testing Uncategorized.

2 minutes readWondering about the upper limits of load testing with Apache JMeter on your system? You’re not alone. This question is crucial for planning and executing effective performance tests to ensure your application can handle the expected user traffic. The Upper Limit: Threads and Hardware The number of concurrent users (threads) you can simulate with JMeter… Read more »