Which language is used in JMeter?

Apache JMeter.

Which language is used in JMeter?

< 1 minute readApache JMeter is a Java open source tool. If you want to run load or performance tests using Apache JMeter, you can use their Graphic User Interface (GUI) and you don’t need to know any programming language, follow the JMeter documentation and you are ready to go to design your API testing scenarios. Depends a… Read more »

How does Apache JMeter work?

Apache JMeter.

How does Apache JMeter work?

< 1 minute readJMeter offers the ability to simulate a number of users sending various HTTP/HTTPS requests to a server application. Apache JMeter is not limited to HTTP/HTTPS, it supports other protocols like FTP, SMTP, and much more. JMeter does not execute the Javascript from the HTML pages and it does not render the HTML received from the… Read more »

How to Install Plugins using the JMeter Plugin Manager

Apache JMeter Load Testing Performance Testing Test Automation.

How to Install Plugins using the JMeter Plugin Manager

6 minutes readIntroduction Hey there! If you’re here, you’re probably looking to supercharge your JMeter experience by installing the JMeter Plugin Manager. Whether you’re a business owner, student, developer, or DevOps professional, this guide will walk you through the entire process, making it as smooth and painless as possible. We’ll start with the basics and then dive… Read more »