4 minutes read

If you need to run a JMeter Load Test and it’s a burden to download Apache JMeter locally on your machine, open it and manually create your JMeter test file, now there is a much easier way to record browser interactions with JMeter.

LoadFocus is an all-in-one Cloud Testing Platform for Websites and APIs for Load Testing, Apache JMeter Load Testing, Page Speed Monitoring and API Monitoring!

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The LoadFocus | JMeter Load Testing in the Cloud Chrome Extension for recording JMeter test script files (.JMX files) from LoadFocus is a free tool to easily record and run load tests in the cloud. Basically it allows to run JMeter tests without having JMeter installed, for free, everything with just a few clicks.

Chrome Extension supports:

  • recording JMX, JSON files (HTTP/S Requests, JavaScript (JS), CSS, Cookies, Images or Other requests)
  • downloading locally or uploading the test files to LoadFocus
  • running a load test in the cloud with thousands of users from multiple locations

It’s very easy to get started with recording JMeter tests with JMeter Load Testing Chrome extension from LoadFocus.

Let’s have a look at the steps in order to record and generate a JMeter test file.

Getting Started

  1. Go to Google App Store and Add to Chrome the “LoadFocus | JMeter Load Testing in the Cloud”
  2. Sign In into your LoadFocus account or create an account for free

If you can’t access the Google App Store, just download the CRX file (see link at the end of this post) and follow the instruction from here on how to install a Chrome Extension manually.

Record JMeter test

recording jmeter test
Recording your JMeter test
  1. Click the “Record JMeter test” button and the “Recording” text should be visible in the top right corner of your browser, in the extension, waiting for the first request.
  2. Start your test workflow by loading your website (i.e. enter https://example.com in the browser’s URL bar)
  3. Navigate to any webpage you want to be present in your JMeter test (requests are recorded automatically in your test)
  4. Once finished you can stop the JMeter Recording (the extension icon should update to Done)
jmx recorded test file
Recorded JMeter test

If you want to start again just click the “X” button next to the test name or click the “Start again” button and your current test will be discarded and you can start recording another JMeter performance test.

Also, you can select which requests you want to record? You can choose between: HTTP/S Requests, JavaScript (JS), CSS, Cookies, Images or Other. This allows you to filter which type of requests you want to be present in your JMX JMeter recording.

Edit the Recorded JMeter test

Click the Edit button next to the test name to edit the recorded JMeter test.

edit jmeter recorded test
Edit Recorded test by Inserting, Duplicating or Removing Requests
  1. You can edit the automatically generated test name (i.e. Test_Rec_Dec_17_2020_6_37_22_AM)
  2. You can expand and change the order of the requests by clicking and dragging up or down on the left icon of a request
  3. Click on the context menu for a request to Insert, Duplicate or Remove the selected request
  4. Click on the request and expand by click on the left arrow to:
    • change anything from the name of the label, URL, method, request type, headers etc.
  5. Export the amended test to JMX or JSON by clicking the top buttons Export JMX and Export JSON

Download the Recorded JMeter test (.JMX file)

  1. Click the “Download JMeter test” button
  2. Select which domains you want to include in your .JMX file (this option is visible only if your test has recorded requests coming from multiple domains)
  3. Download locally the generate JMeter test script file (.JMX file)

Run Recorded JMeter test in the cloud

To run the JMeter test in the cloud, you’ll need an account with LoadFocus, see plans here.

Run JMeter Load Test from multiple location with JMeter Load Testing
  1. Click the Run JMeter Test button and this will automatically start running the generated load test in the cloud using JMeter Cloud Load Testing Service.
  2. Or you can click the “Upload JMeter Test” button and upload the generated JMX file
  3. Select number of Virtual Users, Duration, Ramp Up Period and Ramp Up Steps
  4. Click Execute and view live-results from the automatically generated load test

As you can see, we’ve managed to generate a JMeter load test, edited the recorded requests without any need to install JMeter on our local machine. This comes in very handy when you need to generate a load test based on predefined workflows.

Of course you can download the JMeter recorded test script file locally and start updating your test with custom headers, load configuration from CSV files and add different samplers to your test.

With LoadFocus you can upload a CSV configuration file along with your JMX file.

View Previous JMeter Load Tests Results

Previous Test Runs with LoadFocus

In order to view the previous JMeter load test just click the “View Previous Test Runs” button and you can see a list with your previous test runs.

To go in-depth, click on the “View details” button and a short snapshot of the test will be visible, with an option to “View Details” which will take you to the main website where you can have a better understanding of the performance results, with interactive charts, errors and log files to inspect and download locally.

Hope this Chrome Extension is helpful and subscribe below in order to receive new product updates.

Install Chrome Extension from here.

Written by Bogdan Vazzolla.

LoadFocus is a cloud Performance, load and stress testing tool which provides the infrastructure and the ability to run all these tests with thousands of concurrent users, from multiple cloud locations, in less than a few minutes, keep history of the results, compare different runs to inspect performance improvements or performance degradation.

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