2 minutes readIf you want to start Apache JMeter in non-GUI mode, use the following command line options: -n – non-GUI mode – this specifies JMeter is to run in non-GUI mode -t – JMX file – location of the test plan and the name of JMX file that contains the Test Plan -l – log file… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Load Testing
Enable gzip compression on NGINX
2 minutes readDuring Speed testing of your website or web application using LoadFocus (https://loadfocus.com/website-speed-testing) on the Advice section you might get the tip that you need to enable compression like in the image below: Compressing responses often significantly reduces the size of transmitted data. Because the compression happens at runtime this can add a big… Read more »
How to use assertions in Apache JMeter tests
5 minutes readWhat are assertions ? In case you are not familiar with the term, an assertion “is a test / a condition that must be tested to confirm conformance to a requirement”. Basically a test assertion is – a condition that compares the expected value with the actual value for a specified use case. Why should I use… Read more »
How To Use Apache JMeter To Load Test a Web Server
6 minutes readOverview We are going to present how to use Apache JMeter (open source load testing tool) in order to perform basic load and stress testing on your web application. We are going through each step and show how to use JMeter’s GUI (graphical user interface) in order to build a test plan, configure load tests,… Read more »
Standard Deviation and Percentiles in Load Testing Metrics
< 1 minute readStandard deviation and percentiles are very helpful when comes to calculating the response times in a load test or a performance test. Standard deviation is just like it sounds: the routine deviation around the average. Standard Deviation can then be used as a gauge of longer response times. For normal distributions, we know that roughly… Read more »
Load Testing Jenkins Plugin from LoadFocus.com
< 1 minute readWe’ve released our load testing plugin for Jenkins CI. Use the Post build actions and define your load test limits in order to mark the build UNSTABlE or FAILED Easy multiple accounts access via the credential Jenkins plugin. More details here: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/LoadFocus+Load+Testing+Plugin Installation Steps: 1. Create your load testing account on https://loadfocus.com 2. Copy your… Read more »
How to use Header Presets to Reuse Set of Headers for Future Load Tests
2 minutes readWe’ve implemented the Header Presets functionality in order to save time and reused same set of headers for future load tests. The steps on how to use the Header Presets are described below: Under the URL section click on the Headers button Click “Manage Presets” button and Popup appears with the list of current presets (empty… Read more »