Why are Percentiles More Useful than Averages in Performance Testing

Load Testing Modern Performance Metrics Performance Testing Test Automation

Why are Percentiles More Useful than Averages in Performance Testing

5 minutes read Why Performance Testing We all want our websites to be responsive and useful. However, the biggest correlation between website performance and business results is seen by improving the performance and speed of your website. Users get bored if they have to wait for too long to load your website or application. Performance Testing and Load… Read more »

How to Get the Most Out of Your Load Testing Tool

Apache JMeter API Load Testing Load Testing Performance Testing Test Automation

How to Get the Most Out of Your Load Testing Tool

< 1 minute read The 10 most important features of a load testing tool and how to make the most of them: Usability: easy-to-use tool with modern chars and performance metrics to create, run and re-run load tests. Scalability: ability to run load tests with thousands of concurrent virtual users. Geo-distributed Load Testing: multiple cloud locations from all over… Read more »