2 minutes read

When starting with Apache JMeter for performance testing the first step you need to take is to install JMeter on your development machine so that you can develop the test scripts.

For installing JMeter on Mac machine you have a couple of options:

  • Installing JMeter via Homebrew
  • Installing JMeter by downloading the archive with the latest release

Installing JMeter via Homebrew

In case you do not know what Homebrew means, we can say just that is a package manager for macOS. (For more information on how the set up Homebrew you can find on https://brew.sh/. )

Installing JMeter using HomeBrew involves the following steps:

  • Open a Mac terminal where you will run all the commands
  • Check to see if Homebrew package manager is installed on your Mac. For that please run:
    • brew help or brew -v
  • If Homebrew is not installed, you can easy install it using the following command:
    • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
  • To install JMeter without any extra plugins you need to run the following command:
    • brew install jmeter
  • To install JMeter with all the extra plugin you need to run the following command:
    • brew install jmeter --with-plugins (since Homebrew 2.0 this option does not work anymore )
  • Verify the installation by using the command:
    • jmeter -v
  • Run JMeter with the command:
    • jmeter

Installing JMeter by downloading the archive with the latest release

With JMeter Cloud Load Testing Tool from LoadFocus, you can upload your Apache JMeter test scripts (.jmx files), run and analyse JMeter results from multiple world locations, everything in a easy to use UI.

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