< 1 minute read

Slow websites, or slow pages are not good for SEO. In these days everything needs to be fast. If your website loads in more than 2 seconds you’ll probably lose customers, either by not getting ranked properly in search results, either by customers leaving your website due to its speed.

LoadFocus is an all-in-one Cloud Testing Platform for Websites and APIs for Load Testing, Apache JMeter Load Testing, Page Speed Monitoring and API Monitoring!

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Here are 5 website speed improvements tips that we consider important:

  1. Reduce the overall size of your assets:
    • Minify your JavaScript, CSS files
    • Resize images by using free resizing online tools without losing image quality
    •  Compress assets using Gzip to reduce load time by as much as 70%
  2. Reduce the size of your HTML code
    • Uglify your HTML code of your web pages
    • Release features with fewer lines of code (inspect 3rd party plugins like Editors to understand how much markup they add to your website)
  3. Upgrade your dependencies to the latest version
    • usually the latest versions has many performance improvements
    • even if you need to do some code changes in order to make your code work with the latest version, we still believe it worth giving a try
  4. Reduce the Number Of HTTP Requests
    1.  Group JS and CSS files together
    2. Batch HTTP requests
  5. Use browser caching and remove unused 3rd party libraries or plugins

LoadFocus.com is a Cloud Website Speed Testing Platform used for Testing Websites from Multiple World Locations and Inspecting Result with Full Analytics.

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