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Frontend Performance Testing

How Frontend Performance Testing Can Catapult Your Business to the Top

Hello there, visionary business owner or savvy tech guru! Ever felt like your website is a Ferrari trapped in rush hour traffic? Let's change that. In the digital world, speed ...

Google’s Best-Kept Secret: How Page Speed Insights Can Skyrocket Your Rankings!

Hey there, savvy business owner, product manager, or software tester! Ever wondered why your perfectly designed website isn't ranking as high on Google as you think it should? Well, it ...

Core Web Vitals: Key Metrics and Recommendations for 2024 (Updated)

Page speed has emerged as a critical factor in the digital landscape, where user experience is critical to website success. With Google's introduction of Core Web Vitals, website owners must ...

CI/CD Best Practices

What is CI/CD? Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (or Continuous Deployment) is abbreviated as CI/CD. It is a software development practice that emphasizes more frequent and reliable software development, testing, and deployment ...

How are Throughput and Response Time Related

Website loading Have you ever wondered what happens when you visit a website or use an app that takes a long time to load? It seems to take an eternity ...

Flaky Tests in Software Testing: Causes, Identification, and Best Practices

Flaky tests are one of the most common and frustrating issues in software testing. These are tests that pass or fail sporadically, even if the code being tested has not ...
best load testing tools

10 Best Online Load Testing Tools for Websites in 2024

As website traffic increases, it is important to ensure that your website can handle the load. One way to achieve this is through load testing, a process that helps identify ...

Customizable Widgets on LoadFocus Dashboard

As a developer or QA tester, you know how important it is to have all the relevant information about your applications in one place. That's why we at LoadFocus have ...

I want to load test my new website. Where do I begin?

Here are some easy steps to follow in order to sucessfully do a load testing session for your newly created website. Cloud Testing Platform Choose a cloud-based load testing platform: ...

5 Reasons Why Load Testing is Important for Web Applications

Load testing is one of the most important steps in the development process of web applications. It is a type of performance testing that determines how well the application can ...

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