3 minutes read

We’ve added the functionality to add notes to your load test results. This functionality applies to Load Tests and JMeter Load Tests.

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Load Test result: Adding a new note

It’s super simple to add/edit/remove notes for any of the test runs of the same test in order to caption various changes of your test runs. You can easily compare any test run with a baseline.

Changes between two load test runs

Adding Notes

Simply go to the results of a load test, and click the Notes tab.

Adding new test note

From there click Add Note button and you can add a note title and description.

The note is attached to the test name under the current test run id.

Adding a new note for a load test result

The full list of notes, for all test runs are displayed under the Notes tab.

First note added to load test result

Same notes functionality is available for load tests and JMeter load test.

Editing Notes

Click the Edit icon next to an already added note to open the modal which allows to make changes to the current note.

Full list of notes for load test

Click the Edit Note button and the note will be updated.

Removing Notes

Click on the Remove Note button next to an already added note in order to remove the note. All removed notes will be deleted forever.

Written by Bogdan Vazzolla.

LoadFocus is a cloud testing platform, a load and stress testing tool which provides the infrastructure to run tests with thousands of concurrent users, from multiple cloud locations, in less than a few minutes, keep history of the results, compare different runs to inspect performance improvements or performance degradation. It also supports running JMeter load tests from the cloud and monitoring and audit web and mobile performance.

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